Run Life's Course

Run Life's Course
It's The Course and the Finish that Counts

Monday, February 18, 2013

Brrr It's Too Cold to Run

My UnderArmour Beanie
I will be your friend to the end but I am a fair weather runner all day all year.  I don't have anything to prove to run a marathon (26.2 miles) in extremely hot weather, rain, or below freezing conditions. Call me a bit of a prima donna if you like but that does not matter to me because I have been delivered from other's opinions of me for years. I digress....Not knowing the weather this morning I stepped out of my hotel at 6am ready to get in a run and brrr.

I felt the chill that I felt in my bones in the first mile of the Suntrust marathon in D.C. two years ago in March where it was 26 degrees F at the start and 38 degrees F at my finish.  I ran with gloves the entire length and never warmed up and I promised I would not do that again. So I kept the promise to myself...I went back to the hotel after 6 miles and completed 6 miles on the treadmill followed by some weight training. 

Do I feel defeated or less accomplished?  No not at all, a lot wiser to know that it just isn't that deep for me to be cold in my extracurricular time. So next outdoor run in the winter - South Beach before 8am.  Oh because then I would be blogging that it would be too hot.