Run Life's Course

Run Life's Course
It's The Course and the Finish that Counts

Friday, March 22, 2013

Breaking Point

Since I am back home in the cold (yes it's still 30 degrees in spring), running outdoors was not an option for me.  Instead I went against my desires and went to a class of all women at Physique 57 at the different locations around the city.  Known for the thigh, ab, and glute-intensive workouts, 6 classes in 4 days had me feeling the pain and enjoying the burn.  But something better happened in two of those classes - the opportunity to encourage two older newcomers to continue through the 57 minute class.

One grabbed her towel and walked out and I went to get her and brought her back in.  The other just gave up at the barre before I went to her side. When you think you can't make it anymore because the pain is too great, there is a sense of urgency for encouragement. If you can't encourage yourself, make sure you are around people who can talk you off the ledge. 

As I had a week full of unknowns followed by a week of doing business with some unethical people, the burden is extremely heavy for the smart business woman, who isn't feeling so smart. I can only talk to two people about it and one just didn't get it.  Didn't get that I was at the breaking point - the point where I just want to throw in the towel and leave, just like those two ladies. 

But on my way home in the car, a telephone call from my college buddy was the most enlightening and encouraging moment.  It was good to hear that someone understands that you can pour so much into others' lives that it is draining and lonesome when you can't get that in return from anywhere. But I was encouraged because she reiterated how my life is still a blessing compared to others.  

Tears of agreement dried up because I know it s not in my nature to quit. Maybe this week I can incorporate what I learned in the 57 minutes into a post-run routine when I return to the warm weather.  More importantly I will encourage another because someone encouraged me.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

No Pain All Gain

It's been a little over a week and I sprinted one day.  Yes, just one day.  This was after I had already run 9 miles and incorporated 3 miles of hills in the effort. I welcomed the totally winded feeling after each 1/4 mile sprint but I measured my desire to return to running based on how I felt the next day.

The sprints did not cause any pain so I felt like I had not accomplished anything. The 3 mile hill runs had my calves and quads on FIRE and that encouraged me to launch a new challenging regimen. Maybe I am a glutton for punishment but in this case if there is no pain, I gain motivation to ensure my muscles are toning and burning.

Since most of my marathons were on flat courses, I always liked the challenge of running at least one hilly one every other month (e.g. Georgia, San Franisco, etc in that order) because the pain the following day had me feeling like I had done 2000 squats.  So how can I gain my momentum and feel the pain with this busy schedule?

I think I found the trick since running outside is not an option at 5am with this Daylight Savings Time (and remember I hate the treadmills).  I searched online for the workouts of great focused athletes and found now-retired Ravens player, Ray Lewis, making workouts look like a full- time job. Download it on your Apple iOS devices - trust!  Four days in a row I selected a Ray Lewis workout and worked out like an active NFL linebacker.  4am I am looking at Mr. 52 focused on not quitting.  After 8pm I am taking out my frustrations of the day with some forceful kickboxing.  Since running marathon miles is no longer a challenge for me, I plan on 6 mile hill runs each day of this weekend.

Lets see if this week's pain helps me gain some encouragement to run the course! 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Getting Back to the Run of Things - Part 1

It is hard to return to running when other priorities have occupied your time. It is harder to even want to return to marathon-ing because it takes too much time that can be devoted to new initiatives and business ventures. No I don't train so I am talking about the travel and time associated to running two marathons a month. And with all the people running/walking marathons now, it just doesn't feel like an accomplishment anymore.  So this month, I will see if I have any renewed interest. 

This week I will wear my new Nike track shoes. Sprint workouts at the local track are better cardio and performance routines. If I can get in 8 1/4 miles and time them for less than 2 minutes each with a 2 minute break in between, I am good for 35 minutes. It's quick and I can focus on my core and arm strength and go to my boxing trainer or my choreographer. 

Check back next week to see how often this routine will be put to the test.